Curriculum Vitae


WholeHealth New England
411 Waverley Oaks Rd Bldg 3 Ste 319.
Waltham, MA 02452
Telephone: 386-409-7747

Atlantic Wellness Center (November through May)
225 North Causeway
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169
Telephone: 386-409-7747; Fax: 888-254-7501

BA, Biology, 1966, University of Pennsylvania
M.D., 1970, Boston University School of Medicine

Pathology, 1970 to 1971
Mount Auburn Hospital
–Cambridge, Massachusetts

Pathology, 1971 to 1974
Mount Auburn Hospital
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Medical Licenses: Massachusetts, 1970; New Hampshire, 1997; Florida, 2004

Board Certification: American College for Advancement in Medicine Recognition:Certified in Chelation Therapy (CCT)

Academic Award: Fellowship, American College for Advancement in Medicine

1996- Founder, Vitality Now!, Professional speaking, seminars and workshops

1976-: Private Practice in Nutrition, Holistic Health, Complementary, Integrative Medicine

1990-1999: Founder and Owner, Center for Preventive Medicine, Barnstable, MA

1993-1994: Consultant: Marino Center for Progressive Health, Cambridge, MA

1976-1993: Founder/Director, Cambridge Center for Holistic Health, Cambridge, MA

1977- : Public Workshop leader and lecturer:

Nutrition, Preventive Medicine, Chelation Therapy, Sports Performance, and Holistic Health, for:
Natumedica, 2001 to present, Tokyo, Japan
American Holistic Medical Association
Huxley Institute Conference
Boston Orthomolecular Society, Boston, MA
Another Place, Greenville, New Hampshire
Cambridge Center for Adult Education, Cambridge, MA
Interface, Watertown, MA
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York
Boston Center for Adult Education, Boston, MA
National Health Federation, Hartford, CT
Whole Health Expo, Boston, MA
Millenium Expo-2000, Boston, MA
Public Lecture, Paris, France
College of the Atlantic, Mt. Desert, ME
Keynote, Body Wise International Annual Meeting, Palm Desert, CA, 1997
Keynote Presentation, New England Laundry Association Annual Meeting, Mt. Washington, NH, September, 1997
Natural Approaches to Health, Groton Academy, Groton, MA, October, 1997
Boston Women’s Civic Club, November, 1997; October, 1998
1993-1994: United States Senate testimony:
Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine: Debate: Which is the Right Diet, Supporting Vegetarian Position. March 2000

Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee: Hearings on the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1993 (October 1993)

Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee: Hearings on the Access to Medical Treatment Act of 1994 (July, 1994)

1980-: Professional lectures:

Nutritional Biochemistry, Physiology and Pharmacology;

Lifestyle Modification: Diet, Supplements, Exercise and Stress Control,

at: Physician Training Workshop of The American College for Advancement in Medicine (twice a year), 1991-2005
at: Physician Training workshop, Paris, France-November, 1994
at: PhysicianTraining workshop, Madrid Spain, May 1995
at Physician Training workshop, Tokyo, Japan, October 2008
at Japanese Society for Intravenous Therapies, October 2009

Nutrition and Supplements in the Medical Practice, at: Department of Clinical Nutrition, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts-1987
Grand Rounds, Cambridge City Hospital, Cambridge, Massachusetts-1979
Residents’ training group, Cambridge City Hospital-1980
Residents’ training group, Massachusetts General Hospital-1981
Great Smokies Diagnostics Lab, Annual Seminar, 1994
Physician Training Workshop, Madrid, Spain-1995
Dental Study Group, Hyannis, Massachusetts-1995
International College of Applied Kinesiology, Augmenting the Triad of Health, 1995
University of Vermont Conference, Nutrients as Medicine, September, 1995
Physicians’ Professional Development Seminar, Newport Beach, 1996

Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management, and Supplements for Health, Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), San Francisco, California, June, 2000

Nutrition, Supplements, and Alternatives for Heart Disease, NPACE (Nurse Practitioners Association), Falmouth, Massachusetts, July, 2000

Nutrition and Lifestyle in Medical Practice, 2nd International Conference on Integrative and Longevity Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August, 2000

When Supplements Can Replace Drugs, 2nd International Conference on Integrative and Longevity Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August, 2000

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements in Health Care, Ortho Molecular Nutrition Laboratories, Yokohama, Japan, November, 1999

Nutrition and Supplements for the Heart, Penton Media (New Hope Communications) Natural Products Expo, Baltimore, October 1999

Chelation Therapy: Treatment Rationale and Ongoing Studies; 2nd International Congress on Alternative and Complementary Medicine; Alexandria, VA, 1996

Vitamins, Nutrition and Diet; 2nd International Congress on Alternative and Complementary Medicine; Alexandria, VA, 1996

The Fifty Essential Nutrients: Reducing Your Risk of Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease Naturally, National Nutritional Foods Association Annual National Convention, 1996

Controversies ‘96:Clearing the Air on Chromium Supplements and Beta Carotene, National Nutritional Foods Association Annual National Convention, 1996

Chelation Therapy Workshop: Complete Physician Training Workshop; Australasian College of Advancement in Medicine; Sydney, Australia, 1996, 1998

What’s That You’re Eating: Food, Junk or Both, Health Trends 2000, 1997, Copenhagen, Denmark
Impakt Communications Professional Workshop, Chicago, IL, September, 1997

The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care, PhytoPharmica Professional Development Workshop, Irvine, CA, October 11, 1997; Chicago, IL, November, 1997

Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy, Japanese Nutritional Advisors Conference, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, NY, October, 1997

The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care, First World Conference of Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy, Pennsylvania Hotel, New York, NY, October, 1997

Vitamins and Other Innovative Medical Therapies, Manchester Memorial Hospital, Manchester, CT, November, 1997

Vitamins and Other Innovative Medical Therapies, Houston Surgical Society, Houston, TX, November, 1997; also presented at Hermann Hospital Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Texas Medical School, Houston TX, November, 1997

Take Charge of Your Health: Natural Approaches to Wellness, Keynote Address, College of New Jersey Wellness Center Opening, Trenton NJ, March, 1998

Drug-Free Management of Hypertension, The Health Show, 1997 (Boston), 1998 (Austin, Texas)

Brain Longevity: Natural Approaches, National Nutritional Foods Association Annual National Convention, San Antonio, Texas), 1998

1975 to 1976: General Practice, Wrentham State School, Wrentham, Massachusetts

1973 to 1975: Pathologist

Preterm Clinic, Brookline, MA
Charles Circle Clinic, Boston, MA
Gynecare Clinic, Boston, MA
Crittenton Clinic, Boston, MA

Media Experience
1983-1986: Monthly guest for two hours on the Paul Benzaquin Show (audience call-in), WHDH Radio, Boston.

1979-1995: Frequent media guest appearances, including the Jerry Williams Show and the Paul Benzaquin Show (WRKO, Boston); the Larry Glick Show (WBZ); People are Talking (TV4); The Good Day Show (TV5); Arlington Cable; Cape Cod Cable TV:Lancaster and Company (TV 58, Cape Cod); Dick Cooke’s People (Cape Cod Cable TV); Take Charge of Your Health (WRKO, Boston)

1989-1994: Host, The Alive and Well Show, a weekly, one-hour, drive-time, call-in show on alternative medicine, nutrition, dietary supplements, and holistic health, on WROL radio, Boston, MA

1993-1998: System operator, Compuserve’s Natural Medicine Forum

1996-1998: National Promotional tour for The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care, radio and TV bookings and lectures.

Professional Memberships and Organizations:
Past-president, American College for Advancement in Medicine; Past Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee; Past Program Chairman—Scientific Meetings, 1994-1995)

Past President, American Preventive Medical Association, 1994-1997

Charter Member, American Holistic Medical Association

Past Member, Academy of Orthomolecular Medicine

Founding Member, Academy of Integrated Medical Studies

Past Member, National Speakers Association

Past Member, New England Speakers Association

Professional Journals:
Chelation Therapy in the Treatment of Vascular Disease, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 10(3): 78-86, April 1996 (with L. Terry Chappell, MD)
Orthomolecular Medicine: Therapeutic Uses of Nutrient Supplements, PA87, pp 265-269, Oct 1987
Controversies in Dietary Supplementation: What Do the Data Reveal, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 3:101-106, April 1997
Drug-Free Management of Hypertension, American Journal of Natural Medicine, 4(8):14-17, October, 1997
Orthomolecular medicine: the therapeutic use of dietary supplements for anti-aging. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2006 September; 1(3): 261–265.

Lay publications
The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care, 236 pp., (Arcadia Press, 1996)
Chelation Therapy and Your Health, 47 pp. (Keats Publishing, 1998)
All About Saw Palmetto and Prostate Health, 45 p. (Avery Publishing, 1999)
Dr. Janson’s New Vitamin Revolution, 248 p. (Penguin Books, 2000)
User’s Guide to Saw Palmetto and Men’s Health, 87 p. (Basic Health Publications, 2002)
User’s Guide to Heart-Healthy Supplements, 91 p. (Basic Health Publications, 2004

Vitamins (1992)
Vitality/Longevity: The Holistic Approach to Health (1983)

Dr. Michael Janson’s Healthy Living, a monthly newsletter of health articles with interpretation and explanation. 1999-present

Bimonthly articles in Living Alternatives magazine, 1980-1981
Surviving Winter, Whole Life Times, Winter 1981
Beauty and the Yeast, Barnstable Patriot newspaper, April 29, 1990
Get a HealthStart for a Healthy Heart, Barnstable Patriot, May 3, 1990
Newsletter, Foundations of Health, 1979-1980
Newsletter, Vitality Plus, periodically, 1988-1996
Are You Fatigued?, Barnstable Patriot Newspaper, September 6, 1990
Your Body Speaks Its Mind, Barnstable Patriot Newspaper, November, 1990
Hypertension — A Better Approach, Vitality Seniors Paper, August, 1991
Bimonthly Health column in: Cape Cod Life magazine, 1993-1994
Lysine—An Essential Amino Acid, Health Supplement Retailer, August, 1996
Chelation Therapy for Vascular Disease, Nutrition Science News, Dec, 1996
Zinc and Immunity, Nutrition Science News, February, 1997
Zinc: Common Cold Killer, Health Counselor, April-May, 1997
Lifestyles of the Health Practitioners, New Age Magazine Holistic Resource Directory, 1997-1998
Taurine and Carnitine: Therapeutic Amino Acids, Nutrition Science News, June, 1997
Managing Hypertension Without Drugs, Nutrition Science News, November, 1997
Buyer Be Wise, monthly column in Natural Impact magazine 1997
Supplement Savvy, Nutrition Science News, March 1998
Interview in Bottom Line Personal, September 1, 1998

Awards and Honors
Presidential Commendation for Service in Medicine, American College for Advancement in Medicine (1995)

Outstanding Service Award, Citizens for Health (1996)

Fellowship, American College for Advancement in Medicine (1991)

Presidential Commendation for Scientific Program Chairmanship, American College for Advancement in Medicine (1995)

White House Invitation, President Clinton’s signing of the Food Quality Protection Act (1996)

Personal Interests
Reading literature and poetry; playing early music; exercise; writing; nature and animals; computers, graphic design and desktop publishing; scuba diving; Eastern philosophy; travel; organic gardening; vegetarian cooking; photography and underwater macrophotography; woodworking; ceramics/pottery.

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From September to June, I see patients in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Call 386-409-7747, or send an email to [email protected] to make arrangements.

In summer, I have a variable schedule, and I see patients in offices at the Rothfeld Center for Integrative Medicine in Waltham, Massachusetts. For appointments, send an email to [email protected] make arrangements, or call: 386-409-7747.

I primarily do phone consultations, as well as email and instant messaging consults.

Information herein is not medical advice or direction. All material in this newsletter is provided for information only. Its contents should not be used to provide medical advice on individual problems. Consult a health care professional for medical or health advice.