Category: Health Articles

Integrated Care Dr. Janson offers health care that integrates medical care with nutritional therapy, environmental and food allergy treatment, counseling, and lifestyle change. He also recommends safe, innovative medical treatments, such as bioidentical hormones, intravenous vitamins and minerals, and chelation therapy (IVs not available in Florida). Proper medical testing assures the safety and appropriateness of his treatments. Science and Medicine People need treatment of their immediate and chronic health problems as well as preventive medicine. Dr. Janson incorporates the latest advances in medicine and nutritional science. Nutrition, stress management and…
Practical Guidelines: Buying and Taking Supplements
Excerpt from Dr. Janson’s book When I recommend supplements, I often hear questions about where to get them and what brands to buy. How do you avoid being misled by unscrupulous manufacturers or overzealous sales pitches? Antagonists to dietary supplements sometimes leave you with the false impression that all manufacturers are disreputable. Nothing could be further from the truth. In my experience, most supplement manufacturers are reliable and honest, and they depend on good results from their products to generate repeat sales. Manufacturers and Retailers Manufacturers and Retailers Most manufacturers…
Dr. Janson on Alternative Medicine: Response to the New England Journal of Medicine
To the Editor: The New England Journal of Medicine articles and editorial on complementary and alternative medicine (September 17, 1998), reveal a bias and a misunderstanding of both conventional and complementary medicine, especially the use of dietary supplements and the role of the FDA in regulating their safety. The FDA has ample power to regulate dietary supplements for safety, and full authority to remove from the market any product that is mislabeled, contaminated, or in any way dangerous. The claim that complementary medicines have no scientific basis reveals an ignorance…
Free Radicals
by Michael Janson, M.D. In the normal course of metabolism, your body produces small high-energy particles which are known as free radicals. These are unstable molecules with free electrons that can be used for energy production and numerous other physiological functions. In some cells they may be used as the weapons to kill viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, because of their extremely high energy, they can also be damaging to normal tissues if too many of them are produced. Free radicals disrupt the normal production of DNA, the genetic material, and…